Price Table

Shortcode Usage


  • 30 GB
  • 12 Email Accounts
  • 50 GB Bandwidth
  • Live Chat Support
  • Enchanced SSL Security


  • 30 GB
  • 12 Email Accounts
  • 50 GB Bandwidth
  • Live Chat Support
  • Enchanced SSL Security


  • 30 GB
  • 12 Email Accounts
  • 50 GB Bandwidth
  • Live Chat Support
  • Enchanced SSL Security
Get the code

[gdlr_price_table columns="3" ]
[gdlr_tab title="Deluxe" price="$39.99/mo" link="#" ]

  • 30 GB
  • 12 Email Accounts
  • 50 GB Bandwidth
  • Live Chat Support
  • Enchanced SSL Security

[gdlr_tab title="Premium" price="$49.99/mo" link="#" active="yes" ]

  • 30 GB
  • 12 Email Accounts
  • 50 GB Bandwidth
  • Live Chat Support
  • Enchanced SSL Security

[gdlr_tab title="Standard" price="$59.99/mo" link="#" ]

  • 30 GB
  • 12 Email Accounts
  • 50 GB Bandwidth
  • Live Chat Support
  • Enchanced SSL Security


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