Post Slider

Shortcode Usage

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Post Slider With Caption At The Bottom

Get the code

[gdlr_post_slider category="19" num_fetch="4" num_excerpt="25" caption_position="bottom" thumbnail_size="post-slider-bottom" orderby="date" order="asc" ]

Post Slider With Caption On Right Side

Get the code

[gdlr_post_slider category="19" num_fetch="4" num_excerpt="25" caption_position="right" thumbnail_size="post-slider-side" orderby="date" order="asc" ]

Post Slider With Caption On Left Side

Get the code

[gdlr_post_slider category="19" num_fetch="4" num_excerpt="25" caption_position="left" thumbnail_size="post-slider-side" orderby="date" order="asc" ]

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