
Shortcode Usage

1/1 Divider

Dotted Divider

Double Dotted Divider

Solid Divider

Double Divider

Thick Divider

Get the code

[gdlr_divider type="dotted" ]
[gdlr_divider type="double-dotted" ]
[gdlr_divider type="solid" ]
[gdlr_divider type="double" ]
[gdlr_divider type="thick" ]

1/2 Divider

Dotted Divider

Double Dotted Divider

Solid Divider

Double Divider

Thick Divider

Get the code

[gdlr_divider type="dotted" size="50%" ]
[gdlr_divider type="double-dotted" size="50%" ]
[gdlr_divider type="solid" size="50%" ]
[gdlr_divider type="double" size="50%" ]
[gdlr_divider type="thick" size="50%" ]

1/3 Divider

Dotted Divider

Double Dotted Divider

Solid Divider

Double Divider

Thick Divider

Get the code

[gdlr_divider type="dotted" size="33%" ]
[gdlr_divider type="double-dotted" size="33%" ]
[gdlr_divider type="solid" size="33%" ]
[gdlr_divider type="double" size="33%" ]
[gdlr_divider type="thick" size="33%" ]

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Warning: spl_autoload(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(reallysimplecaptcha.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/usr/local/http-docs/webs/www.swingerstours.com:) in /usr/local/http-docs/webs/www.swingerstours.com/html/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/really-simple-captcha.php on line 395